Today’s featured video for Julian Assange: a short interview between Juan Passarelli and journalist Matt Kennard about what was happening inside.
Recorded Tuesday morning in London in front of the Royal Courts of Justice. Footage courtesy of Juan Passarelli.
Drop the Charges! Free Julian Assange!! Journalism is not a Crime! #JournalismIsNotACrime #FreeJulianAssangeNOW
A couple of excellent podcasts to listen to about Julian Assange, Day X and more
Hi! I’m Indie. I champion corporate-free independent media which challenges the narratives that cable & broadcast media push on behalf of advertisers. News aggregator, multi-platform content publisher & distributor, livestream & podcast producer & host, self-taught video editor & freelance graphic designer. Co-founder,
& . Fiercely independent politically, anti-duopoly (or corporate UniParty). Tirelessly fighting to Free Julian Assange.
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