hey. is this kit klarenberg guy. the hard lens media guy. i followed him because i thought he was the hard lens media guy. i listen to that show in the morning. im a vet. hes a vet and i think we have similar viewpoints. im new to Substack and i think i added based on mentions from hlm's show. but im of the opinion this might be a different kit than the one im used to. any case just asking. thanks.👍👍

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No - that’s Kit Cabello, from Chicago. Kit Klarenberg is a Serbian Brit

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oh. thanks. i thought something was different than this kit. he often mentions indie news network too. thanks. got em mixed up.

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I am incredibly lucky to call both Kits friends of mine

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So glad you shared this. It was so unnerving how fast they deleted it. Within 2 minutes or less. He must be a key word. Kit, in my opinion. is beyond Bob Woodward and Bernstein. We are incredibly fortunate to have him. The more indie attention he gets, the safer he will be. Thanks guys.

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