I had sympathy for Assange due to the charges brought by the Republican Bush/Cheney administration. However when he and Wikileaks conspired with foreign adversaries and Trump's corrupt 2016 campaign operatives to selectively dump - on an almost daily basis - the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's hacked emails and documents leading up to the 2016 election he lost any claims of journalistic integrity. To add insult to injury, he strutted and preened as if he saved all of us poor dumb Americans from ourselves. His activities as a Russian asset directly contributed to the resultant damage to the United States and its democratic processes along with the continued nightmare and one man crime spree called Trump. Assange is a despicable person claiming journalistic protections when he belongs in jail next to Trump.

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The most important case!

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Free Julian Assange NOW!!!

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He should die in prison. Hopefully he will.

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Found the shitlib fed, everyone!

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