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Free Julian Assange! February 22, 2024

Our Daily Reminder to Keep That Fire Burning and Awareness High! Day X Articles Included

The featured video was produced for Action4Assange in October 2022 by

and in conjunction with , in advance of the Hands off Assange protest event held in front of the US Department of Justice. It features many of the speakers talking about Julian and his case.

Drop the Charges! Free Julian Assange!! Journalism is not a Crime! #JournalismIsNotACrime #FreeJulianAssangeNOW

Here’s A Baker’s Dozen TROVE of links about Day X and more

  1. Day 1 Consortium News Live Tweet thread of the Day X hearing:

    Full Day 1 Livestream from

  2. Day 2 Richard Medhurst’s Live Tweet thread of the Day X hearing


    1. Richard Medhurst’s Day X Day 2 speech in front of 10 Downing Street

    Full Day 2 Livestream from

  3. The Last Chance for Julian Assange: Brad Pearce, The Wayward Rabbler

    February 9, 2024

    The Wayward Rabbler
    The Last Chance for Julian Assange
    “ ‘Posterity gives everyone his due honor. If I am condemned, people will remember me as well as Cassius and Brutus’ …The senate ordered his books to be burnt by the aediles. But they survived, first hidden and later republished. This makes one deride the stupidity of people who believe that today’s authority can destroy tomorrow’s memories. On the contr…
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  4. Alleged Wikileaks Whistleblower hit with 40-year sentence: Oscar Grenfell, WSWS - February 2, 2024

    1. We talked about Joshua Schulte when he was found guilty in August 2022 on How Did We Miss That

  5. The Assange case is about much more than Assange himself: Ricky, Council Estate Media

    August 13, 2023

    Council Estate Media
    The Assange case is about much more than Assange himself
    Julian Assange could be extradited to the US any day now and the indifference from most of our mainstream media is disturbing to say the least. It feels like British journalists are falling in line to ensure they don’t become the next target, and that’s as cowardly a position as any journalist could take. In fact, any journalist who behaves in such a wa…
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  6. The Persecution of Julian Assange: Jonathan K Cook

    May 4, 2022

    Jonathan Cook
    The persecution of Julian Assange
    [First published by Middle East Eye] The British home secretary, Priti Patel, will decide this month whether Julian Assange is to be extradited to the United States, where he faces a sentence of up to 175 years – served most likely in strict, 24-hour isolation in a US super-max jail…
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  7. Man could be extradited to the US for telling the truth: Laura K, Normal Island News

    February 20, 2024

    Normal Island News
    Man could be extradited to the US for telling the truth
    A man could be about to be extradited to America due to disturbing allegations that he attempted to tell the truth while doing journalism. A shiver just went down my spine as I typed those words. Some of us attended journalist school for years, just so we could ignore everything we were taught and repeat the propaganda of our leaders to enrich ourselves…
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  8. The fight to free Assange is the fight against war!: Thomas Scripps, WSWS February 20, 2024

  9. How British Intelligence Framed Julian Assange As Russian Agent: Kit Klarenberg, Active Measures

    February 19, 2024

    Active Measures
    How British Intelligence Framed Julian Assange As Russian Agent
    February 20/21st could mark WikiLeaks founder-and-chief Julian Assange’s final opportunity to avoid extradition to the US. London’s High Court has scheduled two days of arguments over whether he can ask an appeals court to block his transfer Stateside. If unsuccessful, he could be sent across the Atlantic, where he faces prosecution under Washington’s d…
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  10. Russell from Due Dissidence interviews Gordon Dimmack about what was happening inside the Royal Courts of Justice during Day 1

    February 20, 2024

  11. A song for Julian Assange by Cupcake Mafia: Cupcake Mafia Band | February 16, 2024

  12. Another song for Julian Assange by Andy Worthington

  13. Letter to The DOJ: Free Assange, Drop the Charges now. Sheila Dean, Liberty in Many Directions

    Liberty in Many Directions
    Letter to The DOJ: Free Assange, Drop the Charges now.
    Dear Department of Justice Leadership, I write pleading with this Institution to drop charges of espionage violation against Julian Assange and also Edward Snowden. [I just witnessed a Chinese-American student receive a 4 month sentence for espionage on trade secrets…
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A Massive Thread of Known Day X Rallies/protests worldwide, thanks to Alex and Candles4Assange:

Hi! I’m Indie. I champion corporate-free independent media which challenges the narratives that cable & broadcast media push on behalf of advertisers. News aggregator, multi-platform content publisher & distributor, livestream & podcast producer & host, self-taught video editor & freelance graphic designer. Co-founder,

& . Fiercely independent politically, anti-duopoly (or corporate UniParty). Tirelessly fighting to Free Julian Assange.

Indie Media Today
Indie Media Today Videos
Thank you so much for being here and checking this out. I am so excited about this show, which I thought would be a great way for all of us to learn more about the people whose work & analysis we amplify regularly in Independent Left News, Leftists Today, and even our Discord server, independentleft gg.