What Are We Reading? 7/18/23 Edition
Featuring: The Conversation, Moon of Alabama, Popular Resistance, The Dossier, The Conservative Compass, Gordon Dimmack, Joe Wrote, Kit Klarenberg & more!
Here are 10 articles from last week that didn’t make it into this week’s How Did We Miss That, but are absolutely worthy of your attention:
America Faces a Power Disconnection Crisis Amid Rising Heat in 31 States: Sanya Carley & David Konisky, The Conversation
NATO’s Big Climb Down: Moon of Alabama via Popular Resistance
How Small, Wealthy Suburbs Contribute to Regional Housing Problems: The Conversation
Shocking Congressional Report Exposes FBI-Ukraine Collusion in Violation of American Free Speech: Dallas Ludlum, The Conservative Compass
No, a BRICS currency will NOT Overtake the US Dollar: Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier
Astounding Weather Records being set worldwide (Tweet thread you have GOT to see!)
Dream Jobs for All: Joe Wrote by
Are You Having a Crisis of Country?: Gordon Dimmack
Episode #19: The Full Dashclosure Audiobook & Podcast: Jesse Jett: Full Dashclosure
Wherever you are, Indie is!
⭐ Linktree: https://indieleft.media
Hey thanks for the shoutout! And all the great reading suggestions, too!