Our New Mission: Unplug From Corporate Media
Corporate media is controlling a narrative, which societally makes horrors acceptable by ignoring them, dulling their cruelty or outright lying about conditions. We need to convince others, too
Let me start by saying: I am FAR from the first person to recognize or write about this, but after a ton of analysis & talking it over with a TON of different people from different perspectives, I’ve identified what is probably our largest impediment to moving forward positively as a society in the USA right now:
Destroying the influence peddling machine that is corporate controlled media.
You can watch/listen to me and Reef read the article below & add commentary on How Did We Miss That
I despise the use of the term “MSM” to describe how just insidious this apparatus is, and how much it’s controlled by those at the executive level - by whom they hire & promote. It’s technically not even accurate to use the word “mainstream” to describe this, as these are not societally accepted “mainstream” thoughts & ideas - they’re bought & paid for narratives geared to sell us on the idea that the people came up with this set of acceptable parameters all by ourselves (which happens to align to their sponsors’ profit-driven agenda of selling you stuff).
The entire narrative of political “team sports” is a facade, as the Democrats & Republicans all serve the same masters. The donor class - Blackrock, Vanguard, Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Open Society, Adelson family, Walton family, Koch Brothers, Pierre Omidyar, Leonard Leo, to name a handful - are people & orgs whom spend GOBS of cash to steer conversations, which then becomes the accepted narrative, which, in turn, influences popular opinion - while they simultaneously make campaign contributions to both major parties to control lawmaking from “both” sides. They win no matter which “side” wins elections.
Except there’s another “side” that’s never, or rarely, given consideration or real representation in Corporate Controlled Media. It’s not even in the CONVERSATION. It’s the side of everyone else. the people who don’t identify as Democrat or Republican, or want something better - a system that prioritizes people over profits. Independents & nonvoters are a massive group in this country with zero representation.
Congress, K Street, Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, the Technology Industrial Complex, all with the propaganda tool of the Corporate Controlled Media - really is a UniParty of revolving door jobs for the Congresspeople & their staffers. that feeds & serves this duopoly mindset (thank you Whitney Webb!)
We have to stop acting like Democrats aren't equally trying to kill us with the military & pharma industrial complexes, or that they’re not trying hard to control the people’s thought & conversation through social & corporate media (which is embedded with ex-government & current government "outsourced" employees throughout the ranks) using censorship, cancel culture & algorithm manipulation.
These are not "right wing" talking points.
Congress - whom do NOT represent us - but rely on our vote & consent to execute the monstrous policies that their donors write through their lobbyists & inflict on all of us - in the name of fear, control & profits. Their owners & donors use the corporate controlled media to keep the people divided while they run away with record profits.
They're anti-corporate control (vs. worker control) and anti-corruption perspectives. They may not be the popular thing today, mostly because the public has been brainwashed to think Blue vs Red binary construct - using the corporate controlled media to steer the narrative towards aligning what’s best for corporate as north star every time. It’s why 3rd parties in the US are immediately dismissed by most, mainly because money drives politics & “corporations don’t want to write a 3rd check.”
Over the past few years, I’ve mostly unplugged from corporate controlled media - especially news. It’s more plain than ever to see that the “owner” class uses FEAR to control the masses through the evening network news, 24-hour “news” channels, then set you up for trauma through “drama” shows & "police procedurals” (copaganda), mixed in with movies that self-aggrandize & sensationalize the US military, sitcoms loaded with stereotypes that train people what to laugh at with laugh tracks.
The networks & corporate media effectively control & message who “should” win on election night - setting us up for weeks or months leading up to a vote, even cases of them declaring political races over while people are still waiting in line to vote.
It’s amazing when you disconnect from it how obvious it is they’re selling fear when you walk through a room and hear a corporate news segment, be it MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX - doesn’t really matter.
The next time you watch/hear a news segment, pay attention to:
how little of the story they actually tell
what parts of the story they DID choose to tell & ask yourself why?
what critical parts of the story they left out & ask yourself why (usually bad for them, the media itself, their advertiser or a corporation)?
whose perspective is the story told from (almost always from the company’s view, in the name of protecting profit over people, and/or taking the police’s word without questioning)?
More than ever, it’s come down to:
We the People vs the ruling “owner” class and their selected "representative" lawmakers
We need to do our best to unplug from this, to recognize it for the fear mongering it is, and convince all our friends & family around us to do the same. Netflix. Disney+. The NFL. Peacock. Amazon Prime Video. As much as you can possibly unplug from it. It’s all geared to keep us distracted. To change the conversation, before you can figure out how badly we’re all getting screwed. Squirrel! Over there. See? Chinese Balloon!
Share this article. Listen to & Share the song “Redpilled” by Jesse Jett below (earmuffs, kids!), which encapsulates what I’m describing in musical excellence.
When they’re selling “red vs. blue,” pay attention to who’s making the green. It’s usually the people selling you “red vs. blue.”

“If you really wanna know the product that they’re selling, I can take you where the mirrors are.” - Jesse Jett, Shepherd of Hopes
Credit to Joe @STFUshitlib3 at
for the videoWhat’s the alternative? It’s been really challenging to figure out who’s not selling a narrative & looking to uncover facts & corruption. Also, the people selling you those narratives have a profit incentive to smear & dismiss the independents looking to expose the corruption, secret relationships & behind-the-scenes deals we never hear about.
At Indie Left Media, we’ve assembled a website - IndieMediaAwards.com - with whom we have found to be the most accurate, reliable & consistent user-funded independent sources of news & information over the past few years - whom have had the primary mission of getting to the truth & exposing whom is behind profit-driven agendas. But do your own research - find the sources you trust to be reliable & consistent. Below is the post from the day we released the list & I did a livestream talking a little about each honoree.
Thank you for coming to my “TED talk” lol.
Wherever you are, Indie is!
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