How Much for That Running Mate Seat, Bobby?
Looks pretty obvious that Nicole Shanahan bought her way onto the Independent presidential ticket for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Legal? Yes. Corrupt? You decide.
I am NOT a fan of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and have never really been one. I know he did some good work as an environmental lawyer. He’s also called out big pharma on some of their corruption, but mostly he’s a tangled web of his own ego.
He’s connected to shady characters, and of course, the lock-step support for Israel, in spite of the daily horrific, nightmarish videos coming from Gaza & the West Bank on a daily basis for 10 months. As a legacy of American royalty, with the last name of Kennedy, he has been steeped in access and privilege for his entire life.
I could go a LOT further, but the point of this piece is that when he announced his run as a Democratic presidential candidate in 2024, there were rumors of a lot of shady characters behind him. Until we can find direct links, we can’t talk about that much. But we CAN talk about what appeared to happen in plain sight.
It appears that Nicole Shanahan, the running mate for the 2024 Kennedy campaign, bought her way onto the ticket.
She paid $2M into the campaign coffers the day after she was named Kennedy’s VP choice.
I was looking into the FEC website for the funding and found something very interesting.
Because, somehow, as a Vice Presidential candidate, one can make UNLIMITED DONATIONS to the campaign. LEGALLY. Out of her own pocket. How is this legal?
So, 4 days later, another $8M got deposited into Team Kennedy, bringing the total to $10M.
Then in June, there were 2 more payments totaling more than $2.6M.
In all, there were 64 “receipts” to Team Kennedy from his new running mate and financial backer, through June 30, totalling $12,875,088.24 of the almost $52 million raised by the campaign - per filings
Has any VP nominee EVER, in the history of the USA, bought their way onto a ticket by promising to donate millions to the ticket once they were on it? And, then, NOT DEMAND the top of the ticket?
Do you consider this to be corrupt?
What Does Each candidate stand to gain?
He gets the funding for a national campaign to last as an independent with a chance to be on the ballot until November, but he has to sacrifice some of the direction and narrative of the campaign. There’s been a pretty clear connection between Shanahan and the campaign’s shift toward crypto and Bitcoin. It’s pretty clear he’s not going to win, but not keeping his campaign afloat until November would ensure that. Because there’s little chance he’ll actually win, taking the money for the #2 meaningless job, which is basically a PR job at this point, almost makes sense here - he doesn’t give much up.
Nicole Shanahan
Who is she connected to? She’s a well known former DNC Bundler. She’s also the ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. She was the one behind the cringe Super Bowl ad, and paid for it through a SuperPAC. What is her motivation?
Just remember, kids. Nothing is going to fundamentally change - no matter who wins in November, no matter who the candidates are, in spite of whatever fear mongering the corporate networks will scream.
Hi! I’m Indie. I champion corporate-free independent media which challenges the narratives that cable & broadcast media push on behalf of advertisers.
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The inside man
Am I crazy? I swear I heard JFK pushing a Christian Nationalist and/or anti-LGBT agenda….