Free Julian Assange! February 15, 2024
Our Daily Reminder to Keep That Fire Burning and Awareness High! His Public Hearing Will Be on February 20-21. Details Inside At the Bottom
“On February 20 and 21 (Day X), Assange will go before two new judges in a public hearing in the UK to decide whether or not the request for an appeal will be granted. A lot is riding on these court dates. If denied, he could be extradited within hours/days.
We need help making as much noise as possible in the days leading up to this. Contact your favorite content creators and ask them to give Assange some coverage. Share stories on social media. Hang up fliers in your neighborhood. Every small thing each of us can do adds up in the end.” -Misty Winston,Day X is Here for Julian Assange
In 2015, Julian sat down with his friend, the late John Pilger, whom we lost on December 31, 2023. This is the full, unedited hour, directly from John’s Vimeo account, which is thankfully still up.
More on the Friendship Between Julian Assange and John Pilger
John Pilger fought for the truth and for Assange's freedom: John Jiggens, Independent Australia
"I made this film with the late John Pilger back in 2011. It was his tribute to Julian Assange, another brave Australian who gave people the information that empowered them to act." -Cathy Vogan, Consortium News
DAY X IS COMING! February 20-21

Hi! I’m Indie. I champion corporate-free independent media which challenges the narratives that cable & broadcast media push on behalf of advertisers. News aggregator, multi-platform content publisher & distributor, livestream & podcast producer & host, self-taught video editor & freelance graphic designer. Co-founder,
& . Fiercely independent politically, anti-duopoly (or corporate UniParty). Tirelessly fighting to Free Julian Assange.