⭐ DNC Openly Hiring 3rd Party Infiltrators: Targeting RFK Jr, Jill Stein, Cornel West: Indie, Indie Media Today
More: Watch Lee Camp showing the article to Dr. Cornel West & asking for a comment on Memorial Day 2024:
Link to the Full Article: https://www.indiemediatoday.com/p/dnc-openly-hiring-3rd-party-infiltrators?r=539iu
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Hi! I’m Indie. I champion corporate-free independent media which challenges the narratives that cable & broadcast media push on behalf of advertisers.
Publisher, Indie Media Today
livestream & podcast producer
co-host of multiple shows
multi-platform content publisher & distributor
video editor
freelance graphic designer
news aggregator
Founder, the Indie Media Awards
Fiercely independent politically, anti-duopoly (or corporate UniParty). Tirelessly fighting to Free Julian Assange.
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