
Abubaker | Blinken & State Dept Continue to Be Awful Right to the Last Day

A clip from How Did We Miss That (ep 142)


⭐ Shame on the Corporate Media for ignoring this Palestinian journalist press conference



⭐ Blinken & State Dept Continue to Be Awful, Right to the Last Day

  1. State Department Defies Congress, Revives Infamous Censorship Office in Absurd Prank: Matt Taibbi, Racket News

    1. https://www.racket.news/p/state-department-defies-congress

      Racket News
      State Department Defies Congress, Revives Infamous Censorship Office in Absurd Prank
      A Senate staffer compared an infamous State Department unit to Jason Voorhees of Friday the 13th fame…
      Read more
  2. The Shift: Blinken’s disturbing exit interview: Michael Arria, Mondoweiss via Popular Resistance

    1. https://mondoweiss.net/2025/01/the-shift-blinkens-disturbing-exit-interview/

  3. Dr. Abu Safiya’s Mother Dies of Heart Attack as He’s Held in Brutal Israeli Camp: Sharon Zhang, Truthout

    1. https://truthout.org/articles/dr-abu-safiyas-mother-dies-of-heart-attack-as-hes-held-in-brutal-israeli-camp/

All episode links, found here: https://www.indiemediatoday.com/p/how-did-we-miss-that-ep-142

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